With the term fenders (also known as wheel mud-guards, in some English-speaking countries) it is meant the parts of a motor vehicle‘s bodywork that are located above the wheels. The function of a fender is to cover a car’s tyres, and also to avoid any potential danger through the turning movement of the unprotected wheels to any other road users, such as pedestrians, and also to other cars. In fact, passers-by may get injured through the whirling up of dirt particles and grit. For this reason, wheels are not allowed to protrude from a vehicle‘s bodywork, and must feature a protective cover. The name is a vestige of the times when horse-drawn carriages were the number 1 mode of transport. In fact, since the wheels of a carriage trod directly upon on the horses’ manure, and the latter ended up being splashed onto the passengers, protective fenders were invented.
Wider tyres – Wider fenders
Nowadays, many motor vehicles upgrade to wider tyres. In order for the latter not to stick out from the bodywork, a different design with wider fenders must be employed. A way to make fenders wider is the flanging and pulling of the wheelhouse. This method entails the bending over of the inner edges of a fender, in order to create more room to accommodate the tyre, or even to conceal wheels that stick out. Another viable option is to have spoiler lips or extensions fitted over the wheel arches, in order to protect the area. Whenever such alterations are carried out on a car, it is mandatory to have the work inspected by a technical expert or by an official appraiser, and noted down in the car’s documentation. The official authorisation document, which certifies the alterations made must be carried around with the car’s documentation.
How much does it cost to have a fender painted?
Dents and scratches on fenders are caused mainly by parking accidents; they ought to be restored as soon as possible because they are prone to rusting. The cost of painting a fender can vary widely, a great part of it being generated by the labour entailed. Dismounting parts, flattening the damaged surface, removing scratches, rust prevention treatment, and painting take up a lot of time. In some cases, if the damage is very modest, it may be effectively eliminated by resorting to SMART-Repair (Small and Medium Area Repair Technique). A complete painting job, instead, can range approximately from 500 AED to 1000 AED.