Vehicles tend to be a priced possession of their owners. Car owners would always want their vehicle to be in pristine condition no matter what. Certain car owners are so passionate about their vehicles that they tend to be fully involved in its maintenance.

Nowadays there has been a mushroom growth of DIY books and videos to fix anything and everything, even cars. On one side, using such DIYs give a sense of accomplishment and learning while saving lots of bucks. On the other hand, with an amateur hand fixing a car, mistakes and mishaps are bound to happen that can have a high risk factor to the life of the vehicle.

Here are some of the most commonly occurring mistakes car owners make during a car maintenance/repair DIY. Along with identifying the mistakes, here are some tips that will help you to avoid them at all costs.

No Precautionary Measures Taken

Handling a car’s components and fixing it can be hazardous as there are certain materials and chemicals that can be harmful if exposed to a person or come in direct contact. Having personal protection and the proper knowledge of using tools is the first step in taking precautionary measures.

No Precautionary Measures Taken

Automotive repair shops make car repairs seem easy. That’s because they are trained and fully equipped with the proper gears and tools that make their professional job efficient as well as safe. These automotive mechanics are taught and tested about how to use various tools with precision and care including jack stands, wear protective eyewear and even latex gloves to avoid exposure to chemicals.

So before deciding on taking up a big car repair task on yourself, make sure that you are fully equipped with all this safety gear and tools as well as the know-how to handle them properly otherwise avoid making major repairs.

Even if you want to carry out some minor maintenance tasks, there are certain tips that you need to keep a check of before starting your DIY hack. Always make sure that your car is choked properly with something sturdy that won’t make it move no matter what while also checking if the parking gear is on.

When lifting the vehicle, know the lift points where you can place the jack stand properly and know how to use the jack. Use the right kind of glasses and jumpsuit or protective “nitrile” gloves if working with chemicals, all of this is necessary because safety should be the utmost priority while handling such things.

Not Knowing Your Limitation

Doing car DIYs may be intriguing, but being an amateur, you need to identify what kind of repairs you are capable of doing perfectly by yourselves while knowing your limits when it comes to major repair work. For instance, if you are comfortable in replacing a flat tyre using a jack, go for it, but when it comes to changing the brake pads, it’s better to take the car to a professional.

Not Knowing Your Limitation

Other such repairs that should be left to the professionals include replacing suspension parts, replacing a timing belt, repairing an overheated engine, dealing with a check engine light, fixing misaligned wheels, or transmission maintenance.

If car owners attempt to do these repairs themselves, they not only expose themselves to major risks including road accidents, but also might damage the vehicle’s warranty if not repaired properly.

Also read: Good Habits That Increase Car Engine’s Productivity

Not Following the Owner’s Manual

There is a reason why cars come with an owner’s manual. Given that there are countless video and books on car repairs of all sorts, but these may not be specific to your vehicle model. Therefore, it’s wise to refer to the owner’s manual to get to know the precise resources the vehicle would need in any type of circumstance. It’s important to note that not all vehicles require the same type of fluid or replacement parts (even models or years within a car brand can be different), so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Buying Cheapest Parts for your Vehicle

One of the main reason why people opt for car DIYs is they want to save up money. It’s a great feeling when you know you have saved a couple of hundred bucks by doing the same thing in quarter of the price. However, that doesn’t mean the quality of the work will be the equivalent.

Buying Cheapest Parts for your Vehicle

With this mindset, car owners make the mistake of purchasing the least expensive parts especially when important parts are in question. For instance, if you are looking to change your air filter, the cheapest one will work but if its brake pads that you want, then quality matters a lot.

Ignoring Proper Maintenance Schedule

One can never put more emphasis on the maintenance of a vehicle. Every car has its own maintenance schedule. If it is followed by the book, the vehicle will equally cooperate and run smoothly, without interruptions. Many a times, people tend to ignore the signs like sounds, smells or vibrations, when the vehicle needs to be given a maintenance check.

Ignoring Proper Maintenance Schedule

It may be overlooked once or twice, but after that, it becomes a hazard to the vehicle as well as you. If you plan on changing your own car oil, make sure you do it as scheduled otherwise you’ll run into a bigger and more expensive problem that you may not be able to handle on your own. It’s always wise to consult the owner’s manual in terms of the schedule of maintenance of your vehicle.

Choosing the Wrong Fluids

Many times car owners tend to take an easier way out and use certain household oils to use on the maintenance of the car parts in order to fix them. This may result in disastrous consequences as the oil that you might have used may not be suitable for the task. It is important to note that there are particular characteristics of oil that needs to be considered before use including the weight of the oil, synthetic material along with other particulars.

Choosing the Wrong Fluids

Improper Tool Selection

One of the most common mistake DIY-ers make is either the use of the wrong tools for the task or using the tools improperly that possibly further worsening the condition. Therefore, it’s very important to first determine the tools that you will be needing in order to carry out the DIY task before doing anything else.

Secondly, if you don’t have the tools, evaluate whether it makes sense economically for you to buy tools and complete the job or if you’re better off letting a professional do the work. Third, if you get the tools, decide if you know how to use them or if you’re comfortable learning.

These are some of the common mistakes car owners make while engaged in DIY hacks when it comes to keeping their vehicle maintained. The main things that car owners should know and consider during such tasks is to keep themselves out of harm’s way with proper protection and studying up thoroughly on any major repairs that you want to engage yourself in so that things go smoothly and properly.

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