Do you want to sell your car in Dubai? Do you want to make a good profit on the sale? Do you want to sell your car quickly? If you are looking for answers to any of these questions then you are at the right place. It is possible to sell any used car in Dubai online, especially if you know what you are doing. Anyone can sell their car in the UAE, especially in Dubai.

Since the used car market of Dubai is very strong, you should not have any issue with selling used car in Dubai. If you play your cards right, you can easily find a great buyer for your car who will give you good money for it. However, before you can make that happen, you need to prepare your car for the first meeting with the potential buyer.

Of course, no one will buy a car that is dirty, disheveled and just looks bad. You need to make your car ready and give it some curb appeal before you can take it to the potential buyer for the sale and purchase of the car.

Here are some tips that you can use to give your car some curb appeal in a quick and easy fashion.

Sell Your Car in Dubai – Wash It And Wax It

You always have to start with the basics. In order to make your car more attractive, you need to wash it. Cleaning the car with a rag should always be the first step, after that, wash it clean with a good soap and a lot of water. If you have a lot of dirt on your car, you can use a foaming brush to clean it all away. Another benefit of using a foaming brush is that you will not see any drying marks on the car after it is all dry. Don’t forget to clean the windows of the car as well, since they make a whole lot of difference in the overall look of the car. If it needs it, you should wax your car as well.

Clean the Interior of the Car

The interior of the car is just as important as the exterior of the car. If the prospective buyer takes the car for a test drive, he will definitely notice if the interior of the car is not clean. The cheapest way to deal with this is by taking bigger junk out of the car by hand and then using a vacuum cleaner to clean the interior of the car quickly. Don’t forget to vacuum the seats of the car as well. If your car smells, change the air filters and wash the mats. Put some air freshener and see the difference.

Clean the Trunk of the Car

When you sell your car in Dubai, make sure that you check and clean the trunk of the car as well. If you want, you can take the spare tyre out and sell it separately or you can keep it for your next car. It is completely up to you. Make sure that you take all the personal items out of the trunk and make it ready for the new owner.

Prep the Car Engine

If you regularly maintain and service your car, then you can skip this step. If not you should not even think about it. If you own a modern car, you will notice that your car engine has a plastic cover over it. Over time, this plastic cover will take on grease, dirt and other residue that you clean up. You can use a cleaner to clean the surface and while you have opened the hood, you should check the fluid levels in the car as well.

Fix the Tyres

If the tyres are old, you should consider replacing them. You can easily find some good cheap tyres or you can buy second hand tyres as well. If you don’t want to change the car tyres, you can at least blacken them. This can be done with recently bought tyres as well. You can buy tyre shine or tyre black from a local auto store and do it yourself.

Take Care of the Scratches

If you can see scratches on your car, you must take care of it. A simple wax can take care of small scratches and a heavy professional wax and hide big scratches as well. You can take some toothpaste, a damp cloth and take care of it yourself. Simply take a little bit of toothpaste and rub it on the surface of the scratch with the damp cloth in circular motions. You will see results within seconds.


Or you can do nothing from the above and sell your car in Dubai to We can buy your car in just 30 minutes and you can go home with your cash the same day. Try us, use our online car valuation tool and book an appointment today.